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The NFL Network recently aired a special series titled "The Top 100: NFL's Greatest Players," featuring a list compiled by a panel of experrts and fan votes. The highest-ranking member of the Dallas Cowboys was defensive tackle Bob Lilly, whose Hall of Fame career spanned the years 1961 to 1974. He was No. 26.

Others players who spent all or part of their careers with the Cowboys were:

Emmitt Smith (No. 28).

Deion Sanders (No. 34).

Lance Alworth (No. 38).

Roger Staubach (No. 46).

Mike Ditka (No. 59).

Randy White (No. 62).

Herb Adderley (No. 64).

Tony Dorsett (No. 77).

Troy Aikman (No. 80).

Michael Irvin (No. 92).

Larry Allen (No. 95)

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Q: Who is the greatest Dallas Cowboy of all time?
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