Most likely Pandora (and with a certain irony), whose name means "All Gifts".
Juno - Queen of the Gods Neptune - God of the Sea Pluto - God of Death Apollo - God of the Sun Diana - Goddess of the Moon Mars - God of War Venus - Goddess of Love Cupid - God of Love Mercury - Messenger of the Gods Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom Ceres - The Earth Goddess Proserpine - Goddess of the Underworld Vulcan - The Smith God Bacchus - God of Wine Saturn - God of Time Vesta - Goddess of the Home Janus - God of Doors Uranus and Gaia - Parents of Saturn Maia - Goddess of Growth Flora - Goddess of Flowers Plutus - God of Wealth
The ones I know of are: Amphitrite: - Goddess of the sea Aphrodite: - Goddess of love and beauty Artemis: - Goddess of the hunt, nature and birth. Asteria: - Goddess of the stars Athena: - Goddess of war, wisdom and domestic crafts. Demeter: - Goddess of the harvest Dike: - Goddess of moral justice. Eos: - Goddess of the dawn. Eris: - Goddess of strife, discord, contention and rivalry. Eirenne: - Goddess who symbolized peace. Hebe: - Goddess of youth. Hecate: - Goddess of childbirth and the crossroads. Hemera: - Goddess of daylight. Hera: - Goddess of marriage Hestia: - Goddess of the hearth and home. Hygieia: - Goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. Iris: - Goddess of the rainbow Nike: - Goddess of victory. Nyx: - Goddess of darkness and night time Themis: - Greek Goddess of divine justice, order and customs.
the meaning of the poem gifts the meaning of the poem gifts
It is cereal. Ceres was a goddess of the earth and of fertility, both of the land and of humans. As such, she was a tutelary (guardian, patron) goddess of childbirth, of crops and of the harvest. All fruit, flowers and living beings were her gifts and it was thought that she taught humans the art of agriculture. She was represented as a beautiful, majestic and stern matron with an ear of grain (the grain-bearing tip part of the stem of a cereal plant) crown on her head, a torch in one hand and a basket with grains and fruit in the other. Her cult was presided by a priest called flamen Cerialis.
Echo wasn't a goddess. She was a nymph. A nymph is a lesser goddess usually associated with nature and its wonders; thus Echo became the 'goddess' of echoes with her curse.
she's the queen of the goddesses and goddess of women, marriage and childbirth
They would worship her by giving her gifts, building monument, and sacrifices
Hindus worship goddess Lakshmi on the occasion of Diwali. They exchange gifts and sweets among friends.
You have to gain enough affection with her. To do that talk to her and give her gifts she likes.
Everyone in the colony gather in colony hall. They exchange gifts among them. Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped by everyone together.
All Roman's and Greeks made daily sacrifices or gifts to Vesta/Hestia. She was the Roman and Greek goddess of the home, the hearth(fire) and food. In late 1800's during Victoria's reign there was actually a brand of matches under the name od Vestas; after the goddess.
Hindus worship goddess Lakshmi on the occasion of Diwali.People wear new clothes on this day. They exchange gifts and sweets among friends.Children burn crackers.
Juno - Queen of the Gods Neptune - God of the Sea Pluto - God of Death Apollo - God of the Sun Diana - Goddess of the Moon Mars - God of War Venus - Goddess of Love Cupid - God of Love Mercury - Messenger of the Gods Minerva - Goddess of Wisdom Ceres - The Earth Goddess Proserpine - Goddess of the Underworld Vulcan - The Smith God Bacchus - God of Wine Saturn - God of Time Vesta - Goddess of the Home Janus - God of Doors Uranus and Gaia - Parents of Saturn Maia - Goddess of Growth Flora - Goddess of Flowers Plutus - God of Wealth
Hindus worship goddess Lakshmi on the occasion of Diwali.People wear new clothes on this day. They exchange gifts and sweets among friends.Children burn crackers.
The greek worship Athena because she's the patron goddess of the city, and all people goes to the temple of Athena to worship her because if they don't the goddess will not allow them to get foods from her.
Athena was the patron of womanly crafts, like needlecraft and sewing, and also of defensive warfare and strategy. Her "gifts" would have been wisdom and a deftness of the hands.
It is "bearing gifts" (as in "carrying" them).