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I don't think there ever was a first fitness trainer but people all the way from BC probably developed some fitness skills anyways he or her that created fitness probably

wouldn't have been famous cause of that many years. Sorry no history of that person that i could find? :(

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Q: Who is the first ever fitness trainer?
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I currently have a fitness trainer from my local gym: Good Life fitness. You can check with your local gym and see if you can set up with a personal trainer there like I did.

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I would definitely recommend a personal trainer for weight loss in Dubai. My30minutes has one of the best trainers of EMS fitness in Dubai. You can visit their fitness center or make an appointment online. Check out their website " www . my30minutes . com " for more information

How can I find out about fitness training?

First, decide what kind fitness exercise you prefer, ask you friends or family for reference. Second, you go to your local fitness center and talk personally to professional trainer.

Finding a Fitness Trainer Class in Your Area?

When you are looking to take your love of fitness to the next level and become a fitness trainer, you'll need to take a fitness trainer class to get the certifications you need to help others with their goals. Due to this, you'll need to find a fitness trainer class in your area, and there are a number of ways you can accomplish this. The most commonly used way to find a fitness trainer class is through a simple online search. These classes are not difficult to find, and you'll see that there are also many online classes you can take as well.

Does one need to have a certificate to become a personal fitness trainer?

You do need a certificate to become a personal fitness trainer. It does not take long to complete the certification, but most clients will not go to a trainer that is not certified.