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Vladimir Ulianov(better known as Lenin) was the leader of the party that eventually became the Communist Party of the USSR. At the time of the revolutions (there was more than one during the early 20th century, with the October Revolution being the final one) they were known as Bolsheviks.

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Q: Who is the communist leader that started the take over in Russia during World War 1?
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V.I. Lenin.

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Vladimir Lenin was the leader of Russia from 1917 to 1922. He was a communist, and he turned Russia into the Soviet Union. Lenin was predecessor to Stalin.

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Vladimir Lenin was the first communist leader for Russia. After the successful revolution against the Russian Provisional government in October, 1917, Lenin later discarded the term Bolshevik in favor of Communist. The party soon after changed the name of Russia to the Soviet Union.

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the communist leader at the time, valamair lenin.

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Vladimir Lenin is the communist leader who ruled Russia immediately after World War 1.

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Joseph Stalin.

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Sir John Finck was a communist leader of Russia from 1978-2008

Who was the General Secretary of the Comintern - Communist International during World War 2?

Leader of Germany was obviously Adolf Hitler Russia*cummunism* Joseph Stalin i think and i believe the leader of fascist Italy during WWII was Benito Mussolini