Its between Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Michael Jordan, Karl Malone, Hakeem Olajuwon, Moses Malone, and Oscar Robertson.
Michael Jordan
No Doubt Kobe Bryant
The best team in the NBA history is Phoenix Suns.
Spud Webb
Kobe Bryant is the best player currently playing in the NBA as is evident by the number of NBA championships he currently has, whether it is with Shaq or without Shaq.
Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan.
Michael Jordan
Micheal Jordan Is the Best Player i ever Seen
Kobe Bryant
No Doubt Kobe Bryant
Manute Bol is the biggest player in NBA history.
Mark Price is the best free throw shooter in NBA history with a percentage of .9039. He is the only player who averaged over 90% free throw shooting in NBA history.
Jon Atlas was the key player
Allen Iverson has the best crossover in NBA history.
Currently, Kobe Bryant is the best player in the NBA and LeBron James is runner up. All-time the best player was Michael Jordan
Kobe Bryant, also known as the black mamba, he is in the LA Lakers. Kobe Bryant is the best NBA player after after Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Michael Jordan in history. Kobe Bryant's number were and are: 10, 8, 33, and 24. So right now, he is the best NBA player.