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There are quite a number of people responsible for the ascension of communism in Russia, but the most important was arguably VLADIMIR ILYICH ULYANOV who goes by the pseudonym LENIN.

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Q: Who is responsible for development of communism in russia?
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What group is responsible for bringing communism to Russia?

The Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Lenin brought "communism" to Russia, although it was not "communism", it was actually socialism. There has never been a country that has been "communist" in the sense that Karl Marx described communism.

Who brought communism to Russia in 1917?

Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Party brought "communism" to Russia in 1917 through the October Revolution. It should be noted that true communism was never instituted in Russia (or in any other country for that matter). The revolution brought a socialist state to Russia. The theory was that socialism would eventually evolve into communism generations later. It never did.

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Who brought communism into Russia?

Lenin brought state capitalism to Russia, not Communism.

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How did communism develop?

Communism was developed out of the need to replace the ruling class of the Cezars of Russia. It was to give those in Russia and Utopian ideal.

Why was the Russian revolution important?

Because it brought on Communism in Russia. Also China was influenced by Russia to be communist as well.

Why didn't communism last in Russia?

Communism didn't last in Russia because Stalin had a warped idea of communism. It failed because it never was true communism, but was always corrupted. I believe it was not communism in the USSR, but more of a deadly mix of Socialism and Totalitarianism.

Why may communism resurface in Russia?

because Russia's a big Continent that does what they want.

How communism happened in Russia?

russia power was way to strong so they had to change it.

Did the massive territorial expansionism associated with Russia come after 1917 with communism?

Yes, the massive territorial expansionism associated with Russia come after 1917 with communism.