A split-finger fastball or splitter is a pitch in Baseball and a variant of the straight fastball. It is named after the technique of putting the index and middle finger on different sides of the ball, or "splitting" them. When thrown hard, it appears to be a fastball to the batter, but suddenly "drops off the table" towards home plate
Check out the 'How to Throw the Splitter' link on this page to learn the mechanics of throwing the split finger fastball.
A: Roger threw Both a 4 seam and 2 seam fast ball, a change up (normal/straight change), curveball and/or slider, and his signature lightning split-finger fastball that broke down with a lot of force.
A: Roger threw Both a 4 seam and 2 seam fast ball, a change up (normal/straight change), curveball, slider, and his signature "lightning" split-finger fastball that broke down with a lot of force.
Robert Julius Oppenheimer is credited with being the Father of the Atom bomb, but he was American.
they split because they had different opinion
Simon and Simon - 1981 Zen and the Art of the Split-Finger Fastball 8-3 was released on: USA: 22 October 1988
Fastball, slider, curve ball, change up. Other pitches include the splitter (split finger fastball) and knuckleball.
Check out the 'How to Throw the Splitter' link on this page to learn the mechanics of throwing the split finger fastball.
4 seam fastball, 2 seam fastball, split, 12-6 curve-ball and slider
Randy Johnson had a few pitches. He's most famous for his 4 seam fastball, in his early years it was clocked 100-102 miles per hour. Also he had a split finger fastball, and a really nasty slider.
A: Roger threw Both a 4 seam and 2 seam fast ball, a change up (normal/straight change), curveball and/or slider, and his signature lightning split-finger fastball that broke down with a lot of force.
A: Roger threw Both a 4 seam and 2 seam fast ball, a change up (normal/straight change), curveball, slider, and his signature "lightning" split-finger fastball that broke down with a lot of force.
The fastball (also called hummer and other names) is the most common type of pitch in baseball. Some "power pitchers," like Nolan Ryan, Roger Clemens and Satchel Paige have thrown it at speeds of 95-104 mph (152.9-167.3 km/h) (officially) and up to 107.9 mph (173.6 km/h) (unofficially)[1], relying purely on speed to prevent the ball from being hit. Others throw more slowly but put movement on the ball or throw it on the outside of the plate where the batter cannot easily reach it. The appearance of a faster pitch to the batter can sometimes be achieved by minimizing the batter's vision of the ball before its release. The result is known as an "exploding fastball": a pitch that seems to arrive at the plate quickly despite its low velocity. Fastballs are usually thrown with backspin, so that the Magnus effect creates an upward force on the ball, causing it to fall less rapidly than might be expected. A pitch on which this effect is most marked is often called a "rising fastball", as the ball appears to rise to the batter. Colloquially, use of the fastball is called throwing heat or putting steam on it, among many other variants. Gripping the ball with the fingers across the wide part of the seam ("four-seam fastball") so that both the index finger and middle finger are touching two seams perpendicularly produces a straight pitch, gripping it across the narrow part ("two-seam fastball") so that both the index finger and middle finger are along a seam produces a sinking fastball, holding a four-seam fastball off-center ("cut fastball") imparts lateral movement to the fastball, and splitting the fingers along the seams ("split-finger fastball") produces a sinking action with a lateral break. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fastball
Samuel Parker, further advanced the tanning industry in 1809 by inventing a machine to split hides
The most basic pitch is the fastball. There is also the change-up, curveball, drop-ball, rise-ball, screwball, drop-curve, rise-curve, and knuckleball. So, I guess there are nine different softball pitches. Hope that helped!
Great BritainKane Kramer of England, is credited with inventing the Digital Audio Player (DAP) called the "IXI" in 1979, the earliest form of the Ipod, took out a worldwide patent, but that ran out when the firm he was with split. DAP invented in Highgate, London. Apple admit that its his creation...http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/09/briton-invented.html?he did it because he is gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL and so am i