All I know is Lou gehrig and Lou Brock
Lou Gehrig was known as "The Iron Horse" and "Larrupin Lou" during his career.
No. Lou Gehrig was of German descent.
Lou Pinella
lou gehrig
Either Joe Dimaggio, Babe Ruth, Lou Gerigh, Micky Mantle, or Jeter
The Red Sox players that wore number 4 were Ben Oglivie, Tommy Harper, Butch Hobson, Carney Lansford, Tom Satrianio, Norm Siebern, Billy Conigliaro, Jackie Jensen, Roman Mejias, Bill Schesinger, Jim Gosger, Don Demeter, Lou Boudreau, Lou Clinton, Ken Keltner, Sam Mele, Joe Cronin, Roy Johnson, Smead Jolley, Eric McNair, Rabbit Warstler and Hal Rhyme.
Peyton Manning, Jhon Elway, Brett Farve, Babe Ruth, Cy Young, Ben Roethlessburger, Joe Sakic, Lindsey Vonns, Tony Romo, Sydney Crosby, Lou Gerigh, Mickey Mantle, David Aebeschir, Terrel Davis, Shannon Sharpe, Shaun White, Eli Manning, Archie Manning, Larry Walker, and Bob Feller.
Lou Henry goes by Lou, and Lou Henry.
Lou Albano went by Loud Lou, and Captain Lou.
"Lou" is a Scottish form of " love" or "lover".
Sandra Lou goes by Lou.
Lou Gorman went by Lou.
It depends: Lou Ellen and I went to church. The pastor spoke to Lou Ellen and me.
Lou Whitaker goes by Sweet Lou.
Lou Charles goes by Big Lou.
Lou Hudson goes by Sweet Lou.