

Who invented soccer 5 sentence?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: Who invented soccer 5 sentence?
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When was soccer invented in England?

i think soccer was invented in 1633 or 1643

When was soccer invented and who?

It was made in 1883 but nobody knows who invented soccer

Where was soccer inventerd?

were was soccer invented

Where did soccer originate in Italy?

Roman Italy invented the game we now call soccer or football.

Where was football soccer invented at?

Association Football (aka Soccer) was invented in England.

Who invent soccer?

the English invented soccer

Who invented soccer cleats?

James Strogonaski invented the early soccer balls in the 1800s

Did Pele invent the bicycle kick?

No Pele didn't invented soccer. China invented soccer in 1258. Though Pele invented some rules in soccer. Like, man of the match, possession and things like that. Thing Pele didn't invented soccer. It was CHina

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Who was the inventor of the American sport soccer?

Soccer was not invented by an American

How soccer stared?

Soccer was actually invented by the Aztecs in Mexico.

Where does the soccer invented?
