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Jose Mourinho is credited with the term parking the bus when Tottenham visited Chelsea in 2010.

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Q: Who invented parking the bus in soccer?
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Related questions

Can a team be fined for parking the bus in soccer?

No, a team cannot be fined for parking the bus in soccer because it does break the laid down rules in soccer.

Does parking the bus in soccer win games?

Parking the bus has nothing to do with teams winning or losing.

What does park the bus mean in soccer?

Parking the bus in soccer means using all the 10 players to defend and not attacking.

Who invented the parking metre?

I invented the parking metre

When were the parking meters invented?

Parking meters were invented by Carl C. Magee in 1932.

When was the first bus invented?

The first bus was invented in 1662.

What teams park the bus in soccer?

Stoke, Crystal Palace, Chelsea and Fulham are some of the teams that park the bus in soccer.

Who invented the first parking meter?

Parking meters were invented by Carl C. Magee in 1932.

When was soccer invented in England?

i think soccer was invented in 1633 or 1643

When was soccer invented and who?

It was made in 1883 but nobody knows who invented soccer

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who invented the optical carrier bus?

Where was the bus invented?

The bus was invented Paris March 18 1662