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For a career, that would be Mark McGwire who hit a home run every 10.6 at bats. Second all time is Babe Ruth with a home run every 11.8 at bats.

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Q: Who in MLB has the most home runs per at bat?
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No, he hit a walk off home run in his first major league game but it was not his first at-bat.

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Did Orlando mercado hit a home run in his first pitch?

Not in MLB ... although he did hit his first MLB home run in his 3rd ever at bat ... it was a grand slam.

What baseball players last at bat was a home-run?

Probably the most famous was Ted Williams who homered in his last MLB at bat on September 28, 1960 against Baltimore Orioles right hander Jack Fisher. Other notable players that homered in their last MLB at bat include Hall of Famer Mickey Cochrane, Albert Belle, Willie Aikens, Ken McMullen, Tony Kubek, Todd Zeile, and Chick Stahl. Closer Gregg Olsen pitched in 447 games and hit a home run in his final MLB at bat, the 4th at bat of his career. Reliever Tim Stoddard pitched in 277 games in his career and hit a home run in his final at bat, the 20th at bat of his career.

What is a big bat?

A big bat is a player in the game of baseball who specializes in hitting home runs.

What did ted Williams Babe Ruth and Willie Mays do in their first mlb at bat?

hit a home run

How did babe Ruth hit 714 home runs?

with a bat

How many players have hit home runs at their first at bat?


Which baseball pitcher hit a home run in his first at bat in the major leagues?

As of the 2008 season, 97 players have hit a home run in their first MLB at bat. Click on the 'Players with a Home Run in Their First At Bat' link below to see a list of those players.

Who was the first pitcher to homer in his first at bat?

That was Bill Duggleby of the Philadelphia Philles who hit a home run in his first at bat on April 21, 1898. That home run was a grand slam and he was also the first batter in MLB history to hit a grand slam home run in his first at bat. Duggleby had an 8 year career, ending up with a 93-102 record and a 3.18 ERA. He hit 6 home runs in his career and wound up with a .165 career batting average.

Who was the only Yankee in the 1976 world series to hit a home run?

Shortstop Jim Mason in Game 3. That at bat was Mason's only World Series at bat in his MLB career.

How do you read writing on a MLB bat?

with your eyes