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Through the 2008 season, Len Dawson holds the Chiefs season record for TD passes with 30 in 1964.

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Q: Who holds the Chiefs record for TD passes in a season?
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Who holds the Patriots record for touchdown passes in a season and how many?

Tom Brady holds the record with 50 touchdown passes in 2007.

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Andre Woodson, a quarterback from Kentucky holds the record for most touchdown passes in a season with 40 in 2007

Who holds the record for most touchdown passes?

Well to specify, Tom Brady holds the record for the most touchdown passes in season with 50. Brett Favre holds the record for the most touchdown passes in a career with 464.Brett Favre has 490td passes in his career. Tom Brady has 50 in a season. That season the Patorits went 16-0 and went to the Super Bowl that year and lost to the New York Giants.

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As of the 2008 season, that is Erik Kramer with 29 TD passes in 1995.

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Tom Brady (New England Patriots) 2006-2007 Season. 50 touchdown passes in the regular season.

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Sonny Jurgensen - 31 in 1967.

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In the 2006 season, Larry Johnson of the Chiefs broke Jamal Anderson's record of most rushing attempts in a season. Johnson's 416 attempts bettered Anderson's 410.

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As of the 2008 season, Jay Schroeder hold the team record for passing yards in a season with 4,109 in 1986. Sonny Jurgensen holds the team record for TD passes in a season with 31 in 1967.

How many touchdown passes did YA title throw in a single season?

he holds the ny giants record of 36 tds in a single season

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Corey Robinson with 91 touchdown passes in 2008. He plays for Troy University.

What Patriots player holds the record for the most touchdown passes in one season?

Sorry Babe, but your record was broken. Tom Brady threw 50 touchdown passes in 2007. == == Babe Parilli with 31

Who holds the New York Giants single season touchdown pass record?

Through the 2009 season, Y.A. Tittle with 36 TD passes in 1963.