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Brazil 5 times then Italy 4 times and Germany 3 times (but only once as Germany the other 2 as West Germany)

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Brazil. 5 times in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002

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Q: Who has won the most football world cups?
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How many UEFA football cups won by Real Madrid?

Real Madrid have won the most champion league cups in the world, they have nine, A.C.Milan have seven cups.

Who has won the most cups you n England football?

Manchester United have won the most cups in England.

Which team of Football won the Largest no of World Cup of Football?

Brazil has won 5 men's World Cups.

Which country has won the most Football World Cups and when?

Brazil (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002).

What sport has Brazil won 5 world cups?

Brazil have won five world cups. Brazil has won the world cup 5 times in football (soccer) and the name says it worl cup which is football (soccer)

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Austria have never won the World Cup.

What cups have Argentina football team won?

Argentina have won two world cups . One in 1978 and the second in 1986.

How popular in Germany is football?

Germany have football as their game , they have also won three world cups.

Which country has won the most ICC World Cups?

west indies.they won four world cups

Which football team has won most Italian Cups?

It is A.c. Milan.

Witch football team has won the most erupion cups?

It is Germany.