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Q: Who has the record for the loudest crowd in the NFL?
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Who holds the record for the loudest fart?

There is no official record for the loudest fart as it is not a recognized category by any reputable organization or authority.

How would you have to get recinized like Justin Bieber?

to get Justin Biebers attention in a crowd you have to scream the loudest.

Daddy holds the record for the loudest fart?

Your daddy does that is soooo KOOL

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In what country did the loudest volcano explode?

The loudest volcanic eruption on record was the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 in the Dutch East Indies, now called Indonesia. At the time it was a colony of the Netherlands.

Who has the record for the loudest burp in how loud can you burp by Glenn Murphy?

Michelle Gwok Did In that Book I Thinks =]

Do NFL games get cancelled when there is hail?

it depends how big it is or if the crowd is okay with it

What is a franchise record?

A franchise record is a record that is just on a team not in the NFL

When was the packers first NFL championship and what was their record when they won that NFL championship?

1929 with a record of 12-0-1.

What is the record for repeat championships in the NFL?

Pittsburgh is the NFL that has the record of two repeat championships in the NFL. There are six other teams that have own a repeat championship once.

How cani dress to grab Justin bieber's attention?

You cant dress in something to get his attention. to get his attention you have to be the loudest person in the crowd and if he talkes to you ask him about his family and stuff like that.

What NFL fullback has the NFL bench press record?

herschel walker