Altogether there are 11 players which have played for the MLB and NBA. Six of these players are pitchers.
Mark Hendrickson
Dave DeBusschere
Gene Conley
Ron Reed
Steve Hamilton
Dick Ricketts
The most noticeable to do so is Jim Thorpe. Michael Jordan played in the minor leagues in Baseball, never officially making it to the big leagues.
Major League
Milwakee brewers
Rawlings introduced the newly designed official Major League baseballs for the 2000 season that also features the MLB Silhouetted Batter logo. Changing from the Official American League, and Official National League baseballs, the Official Major League baseball replaced both balls that were used.Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlingstook over around 1970, and Rawlings have been making major league baseballs ever since.
The oldest active franchises are the Atlanta Braves and the Chicago Cubs. Both are charter members of the National League which began in 1876.
1 or 2 i am not sure not over 2 ANSWER is 2: Tom Brown and Deion Sanders both played in the Super Bowl and played Major League Baseball. Brown played for the Senators in 1963 and played for the Packers 1964-68
During his major league career, he played for the Braves (in both Milwaukee and Atlanta) and the Milwaukee Brewers.
St Louis Cardinals...played Boston in 1967 & Detroit in 1968
Bo Jackson and Deon Sanders both played pro football and baseball. Michael Jordan played basketball and took a stab at baseball.
Guys only in Major Legue Baseball (MLB)
Major League
Milwakee brewers
Rawlings introduced the newly designed official Major League baseballs for the 2000 season that also features the MLB Silhouetted Batter logo. Changing from the Official American League, and Official National League baseballs, the Official Major League baseball replaced both balls that were used.Spalding along with the Reach label was producing Major league baseball for about 100 years until Rawlingstook over around 1970, and Rawlings have been making major league baseballs ever since.
No, 27 is. Both Cap Anson (1871-1897) and Nolan Ryan (1966, 1968-1993) both played 27 seasons in MLB.
The world series
Yes, several players have played both Major League Baseball and NFL Football, including: * Bo Jackson * Deion Sanders * Danny Ainge