Mel Allen is often credited with coining Joe DiMaggio's nickname, "The Yankee Clipper," David Halberstam says Arch McDonald deserves credit for that. Allen was the first to call DiMag "Joltin' Joe." He labeled Tommy Henrich "Ol' Reliable."
New York Yankees outfielder Joe DiMaggio had the nickname "The Yankee Clipper"
The address of the Yankee Clipper Branch Library is: 2025 Leonard Street NE, Grand Rapids, 49505 5836
The House that Ruth Built.
Mr. October was the Yankee great, Reggie JacksonReggie Jackson.
Joe DiMaggio was one of the all-time greats of baseball. He played for the Yankees and set a number of records. He was also married to Marilyn Monroe for a time. Click on the links below for more information.
Joe DiMaggio
New York Yankees outfielder Joe DiMaggio had the nickname "The Yankee Clipper"
Joe DiMaggio
The Yankee Clipper
The Yankee Clipper Joltin' Joe DimaggioJoe DiMaggio had the nicknames "Joltin' Joe" and "The Yankee Clipper"
The Yankee Clipper
The phone number of the Yankee Clipper Branch Library is: 616-988-5415.
The address of the Yankee Clipper Branch Library is: 2025 Leonard Street NE, Grand Rapids, 49505 5836
Joe DiMaggio, the "Yankee Clipper", had a 56 game streak during that time period.
He played for the New York Yankees for 13 years nad his nickname was the 'Yankee Clipper' or the 'Clip'.
Joe DiMaggio.
Yank, Yankee Clipper, Yankee Eagle, Yankee Boy, Yankee Girl, Yellowjacket, Yelena Belova (Black Widow 2), Young Avenger.