He never was. When the idea was suggested, he declared "If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve."
hhaha AP history I take it?? doing this question right now, and i have no idea!!
The Phoenicians were the first to have that idea.
The National Bank Act of 1863 resurrected the idea of founding father Alexander Hamilton of having a national banking system.
well, see, it didnt. it was a good idea at first. but then the Romans where spending to much time having fun insted of working. that also led to the fall of rome
It was not John Dalton who first suggested the idea of atoms. It was the Greek philosopher and mathematician Democritus who first suggested the existence of atoms.
the publication of the first actual periodic table was by a Russian scientist Called Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869. Have no idea who might of suggested it? i assume it was Mendeleev
an inference is an idea that is directly stated or suggested by the author
No one really suggested the idea of growing a beard to him he just thought about growing it himself.
The Holocaust suggested that earlier idea about progress was not true.
Daylight saving time was first implemented by Germany on April 30, 1916, during World War I as a way to save energy.
It was Darwin in 1859
when an idea is suggested but not stated outright
In 1524 it was suggested to King Charles V to create a canal across Panama to easily plunder the riches of Central America. Who suggested this is unknown but it probably was suggested by every ship's captain that sailed there. A concrete plan was developed in 1529 by this very king, but wars in Europe kept them from continuing the idea.
It was created on December 23, 1913, Woodrow Wilson came with the idea.