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Marco Matrezzi.

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Q: Who did zidane head butt in the 2006 world cup?
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In which world cup did Zinedine Zidane head butt Marco Materazzi?


Who did the famous head butt in the 2006 world cup against Italy?

It was Zidane.

Who did zidanehead butt in the 2006 world cup?

Yes Zinedine Zidane head butted the Italian Marco Matrezzi in the 2006 , final, as he said something to him.

You head-butted Marco Matterazi in the 2006 World Cup Final Who am I?

I didn't head butt Marco Matterazi in the 2006 World Cup final, and I don't know who you are. But I believe you are talking about Zinedine Zidane.

Who did zidane head butt in the2006 worldcup?

Zidane head butted Marco Materazzi!

Who Head-butted Marco Matterazi in the 2006 World Cup Final?

Zinedine Zidane

What team head butted another player in the fifa world cup?

In the 2006 world cup final zidane of France head butted the Italian Marco Matterazzi, because he said something to zidane

What was the controversy behind the winner of the 2006 world cup?

controversy was the head butting by Zidane in the final.

Who speared his head into the chest another player in the 2006 world cup?

It was Zinedine Zidane on Marco Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup final, France v Italy.

Zinedine zidane the footballer that got sent off in 2006?

Zinedine Zidane got sent of in the 2oo6 world cup final match with Italy for head butting Marco Materrazzi.

.2 Who head-butted Materazzi in the 2006 FIFA World cup Final?

It was the great French footballer Zinadine Zidane.

Who was the only player to ever have been sent of for head butting someone?

Zidane of France during the 2006 world cup.