Joe Louis married Marva Trotter and had two children by her; they were twice divorced.
Joe Louis was born on May 13, 1914 and died on April 12, 1981. Joe Louis would have been 66 years old at the time of death or 101 years old today.
Joe and marry
Marie Antoinette of Austria.
no boxer joe did not have children. Yes he did ..... Children: Jacqueline Barrow (1943) and Joseph Louis Barrow Jr. (1947); Louis adopted four children during his third marriage (with Martha Jefferson).
Braddock fought Louis once in 1937. He lost.
Joe Warshaw goes by Joe Poe, J. Louis, and Joe Louis.
There is no way that Joe will marry, he is busting for sauce sure!
Joe Louis in his childhood worked in the cotton fields.
Joe Louis was born on May 13, 1914.
Joe Louis Arena was created in 1979.
The Joe Louis Story was created in 1953.
No, he will marry Eleanor Calder
when was Joe Louis born and what hospital was Joe Louis born at.
Joe Louis is dead so he lives nowhere.
The duration of The Joe Louis Story is 1.47 hours.
Joe Louis Walker goes by JLW.
Joe Louis was a heavyweight boxer. However, Joe Louis Walker was an electric guitarist who plays jazz and blues, and is still alive today..