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Q: Who did Uraguary beat in the first world cup?
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Who beat Argentina in the first wold cup and when?

Uruguay beat Argentina in 1930. That was when the first world cup was played!

Was the the first World Cup championship in 1940?

The first fifa world cup was held in 1930.

When was the last time the US beat Belgium at the World Cup?

In 1930 in the first-ever world cup, held in Uruguay, the U.S. beat Belgium 3-0.

First world cup winner?

Uruaguay, in 1930. They beat Argentina 4-2 in the first final.

Who kick the first goal in world cup football?

In the first ever world cup game in 1930, France beat Mexico 4-1. Lucien Laurent was the first person to score a world cup goal.

Who hosted the first World Cup?

Uruguay hosted the first World Cup in 1930. Thirteen countries took part and Uruguay beat Argentina 2 - 1 in the final.

Where was first World Cup played from?

The first FIFA World Cup was held in Uruguay during the summer of 1930. In that tournament, the hosts beat Argentina to win the trophy.

Has the US ever beat England you world cup soccer?

es in the first world cup in brazil 1950 usa1-0 england

What years did England win the world cup?

England won the World Cup for the first time in 1966. They beat West Germany 4-2 in the final game. It was the eighth World Cup and England hosted. That made them the first host champions since the the Italians won the World Cup while hosting in 1934.

Who beat Ghana in the 2010 Fifa World Cup?

Uruguay beat Ghana in the 2010 world cup.

Which country hosted the first cricket world cup?

England hosted the first cricket world cup in 1975 but West indies won it. They beat Australia by 17 runs.

How did the the first World Cup end?

Uruguay beat Argentina 4-2 in the final.