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The Olympic Games are organized and governed by the International Olympic Commitee (IOC). It sets the general program, chooses the city where the games are to be held, and determines the standards of amateurism.

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19y ago
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18y ago

It is determined by the International Olympic Commitee (IOC).

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16y ago

They are determined according to size of the city, amenities, surrounding locations, amusement attractions, and overall quality of life.

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16y ago

It's done seven years beforehand. For example, the host city for the 2016 Summer Olympics will be announced in October 2009.

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Where was the 1970 Winter Olympics in skiing held?

there were no Olympics held in 1974 The summer Olympics were held in Munich Germany

When was the Olympics held in 1928?

the 1928 olympics were held in 1928

Were the 2000 Olympics were held in Rome?

No, the 2000 Olympics were held in Sydney, Australia. The 1960 Summer Olympics were held in Rome.

When is the 2009 winter Olympics being held?

No Olympics will be held in 2009.

Where was the Olympics held in 1900?

The 1900 Summer Olympics were held in Paris, France.

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