William G. Morgan it was originally called "Mintonette"
Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William Morgan, Director of Physical Education at the Holyoke, Massachusetts, YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association). So it came form the American culture, such as it was then. Morgan was motivated by Naismith's game of basketball designed for younger students to invent a game suitable for the older members of the YMCA. He took elements of the game from the then popular and similar German game of Faustball and from tennis (the net), basketball, baseball and handball.
The Perfect Game was created on 2009-03-21.
McDonald's All-American Game was created in 1978.
The Old Army Game was created on 1943-11-05.
it is a game that is soccer, football, and volleyball combined but you cannot use your hands and the goal is side ways on the wall. there are little circles on the walls that give you points but the losers of the game are sacrificed
In 1995, volleyball was 100 years old, so volleyball was created 1895! That means it is 115 years old.
RealSports Volleyball was created in 1982.
Arcade Volleyball was created in 1989.
Mirador Volleyball was created in 1970.
The game of volleyball goes up to 15 points.
A match in volleyball is a game to 25 but before it was a game to 15.
Beach Volleyball Database was created in 1999.
A Volleyball Player?
Association of Volleyball Professionals was created in 1983.
Chinese Volleyball League was created in 1996.
African Volleyball Championship was created in 1967.
Serbian Volleyball League was created in 2006.