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Swiss biologist Hermann Brandt.

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Q: Who created tchoukball?
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Where did tchoukball originate from?

Well, darling, tchoukball was actually invented in the 1970s by a Swiss biologist named Dr. Hermann Brandt. So, you can thank good ol' Switzerland for giving us this fun and quirky sport. Now go impress your friends with that little nugget of knowledge!

Where tchoukball originate from?

the creator was swiss >make any sence ?

What have been change in tchoukball since its invent?

it have been more internal extrme

How long does a tchoukball match go on for?

3 periods of 15 minutes each! If the score is equal for the 2 teams, there are supplementary periods.

What is the cultural significance of tchoukball?

Tchoukball was born thanks to the research of Dr. Hermann Brandt, who was concerned by the numerous serious injuries among Sportspersonresulting from sports prone to Aggressionand physical contact. He believed that sports should not only form champions, but also contribute to the creation of a better and more humane Society.Answers.comHence the invention of tchoukball, which combines elements of handball (it is played with hands, and the balls used are similar), volleyball (as the defending team must prevent the ball from falling) and squash (since there is a bounce). This sport can be played by anyone at his or her respective level, irrespective of the players Sex, age or physical abilities.

What is an extreme sport that starts with the letter t?

Tennis, Tether ball,Touring Car Racing, Truck Racing, Tee Ball, Ten-Pin Bowling, Track Cycling, Taekwondo, Taido, Three-Ball, Ten-Ball, Tap Dance, Tricking(Gymnastics), Tchoukball, Triathlon, and Table Tennis, Touch. That's about as many as I can name, I apologize if I missed any.

Can you give me a long list of ball games?

Netball Basketball Volleyball Table tennis Soccer Floor ball Captain's ball Rugby Poison ball Baseball Cricket Squash Badminton Lacrosse Bowling Golf Pool Sepak Takraw Dodgeball Downball Bocce Cycle ball Croquet Fistball Flickerball Hockey Hooverball Hurling Korfball Polo Racquet ball Rounders Stickball Shinty Skee ball Street ball Tee ball Tchoukball Ringo Paddleball Newcomb ball

When was Created By created?

Created By was created in 1993.

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...And God Created Them was created in 1979.

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.am was created in 1994.

When and where was snooker first played?

It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.It wasn't created in England. It was created in India.

When was I Created Disco created?

I Created Disco was created on 2007-06-15.