

Best Answer

when the world war began

manny fakeman is the super duper perfect people in the world

he jump at the 3inch that people cannot do

he can drink 1ml of water at 24 hours that people cannot do

when the presedent of united states of africa who name mark first igelman noynoypinoy mirundo estina tormani celintina stormina valentina de alfonso velasqez munda perma torling the 3rd

accepted the macho men menny fakeman of the year 6006

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11y ago
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15y ago

The Olympics were open to any free-born Greek man in the world, but there were separate mens' and boys' divisions.

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12y ago

Greek-speaking young males who are prepared to swear an oath that they have been in training for six months.

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15y ago

only grreks boy taht were citizen Translation: Only Greek boys that were citizens (seriously dude, learn how to spell)

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15y ago

People who are not trained and don't know how to do whatever as a profession. If you train hard, maybe someday you'll end up in the Olympics.

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Q: Who could compete in the Olympics?
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Who could compete in the greek Olympics?


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no women were not aloud to compete in the Olympics.

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Yes, you can compete in consecutive Olympic games.

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in 1923 gymnasts could compete in the Olympic Games

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dressed as men and sneaked in.

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If I could answer it I wouldn't have asked it

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He had recently immigrated from Kenya to Denmark and he needed to become naturalized before he could compete. He had to wait 5 years after he got citizenship to his new nation, denmark, before he could compete for them in the Olympics.

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jesse owen compete in the olympics in 1936 23rd of april

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One does not have to be an amateur in order to compete in the Olympics. You just have to try out for the team.

When did Britain compete in the Olympics?

They compete when the olympic are held. They are one of hte few countries at all the Olympics.