New England chose the patriots side
also, Great Britain chose the loyalists side
they were called patriots
What american colinists chose to fight for their freedom?
They are neutrals. some chose to be on neither sides
loyalists, i think :) others were called patriots, the American liberty side.
1.Why do you think Betsy was so suspicous about Mr. Heron's letter? 2.Why do you think Sam chose the Patriots when his family are Torys? 3.Tim is stuck between choosing Patriots or Torys for his side? Which side do you think he'll choose?
they were called patriots
What american colinists chose to fight for their freedom?
she was on the patriots side.
Not at all, the only people who ruled the Patriots were themselves. Even though they were supposed to do what the British said, they denied. They were patriots, so they chose no to be ruled by anyone except themselves.
Nathan hale was on the patriots side.
William prescott was on the patriots side
The team was a member of the old American Football League and were originally the Boston Patriots because Boston was a hot bed in the American Revolution the team chose Patriots for their name. The mascot wears a three corner hat like men of that era.
The Quakers. They believed in peace. They chose not to support the British or the patriots!
They are neutrals. some chose to be on neither sides