The stadion race (a 600 feet long foot race).
Modern Olympic Tracks are 400m, Ancient Tracks are 440 yards
About 200 metres.
The first recorded race in the world was the stadion race, a sprinting event in ancient Greece that was part of the ancient Olympic Games.
because they didnt like the number 3
I came second in a race
Manila Luzon came in second place, losing to Raja.
In the mens race France come second.
In 2009, Matt Kenseth finished second in the Nascar All-Star race. Tony Stewart was the winner.
Two silver medals are awarded and no bronze medal is awarded.
One cannot just become a unit of time. If you however wished to come second in a race, organise a race to have you pitted against an olympic athlete, and the race to only consist of the two of you. To help you out, your diet may consist of as much fatty foods as possible, and your exercise being lifting fork to mouth. You may just finish second in a race such as that.
a running race.
A Chariot race and a running race.
The best race to have for athletes is the Olympic marathon.
Congratulations to Tyler and Nathan for winning The Amazing Race Australia!Sam and Renae came in second and Jeff and Luke came in third place.Congratulations to all!Congratulations to Tyler & Nathan for winning The Amazing Race!
a man named..... a mans name of who we do not know of... There are several classes of race. Chris Hoy won several gold medals in cycling