

Best Answer

phil mickelson, david duval, keegan bradley, scott verplank

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Q: Who are the men who are 4 time college All-American golfers?
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Were Jack Nicklaus Arnold Palmer and Sam Snead the only golfers to win a major after the age of 46?

No, the only golfers who have won a men's professional golf major after the age of 46 are Julian Boros 48, Jack Nicklaus 46 and Old Tom Morris 46.

The first coed college in the US is in?

Oberlin Collegiate Institute (now Oberlin College) was the first college to accept both women and men, in 1833.

What were the men like that attended the Constitutional Convention?

They were mostly college graduates, rich men, and some were planters and farmers.

What is meant by the Founding Fathers were men of their time?

What is meant by "the Founding Fathers were men of their time"

What men's college basketball team has made the most tournament appearances?


Related questions

How many professional golfers are there in the US?

There are more than 27,000 professional men and women golfers in the United States. These golfers are trained through the PGA - the Professional Golfers' Association of America.

Will women be as good as men in golf?

I suppose only time will tell. But it is unlikely. Male golfers are stronger and taller than female ones and therefore hit the ball further. Female golfers have tried to play in mens' events, with limited success.

Do both men and women golfers participate in the Scottish Open golf tournament?

Yes they do

Why don't men pro golfers wear shorts?

Simply because on Tour, they are not allowed to. Amateurs can though.

Do men and woman golfers get equal salaries?

In Professional golf, men golfers get paid more than women do, usually by substantial amounts. This is due to sponsorship deals, where generally there is a lot more interest in mens golf, and attendances which are usually much more for the mens game.

When was Dubai Men's College created?

Dubai Men's College was created in 1989.

When was Working Men's College created?

Working Men's College was created in 1854.

Where would senior men golfers with low handicaps hit from?

Wherever you want. Probably the general play tees would be best.

When was Government College for Men Nazimabad created?

Government College for Men Nazimabad was created in 1956.

When was Bowdoin College Men's Rugby created?

Bowdoin College Men's Rugby was created in 1969.

What is the motto of Working Men's College?

Working Men's College's motto is 'Auspicium Melioris Aevi'.

When was Working Men's College of Melbourne created?

Working Men's College of Melbourne was created in 1887.