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The Red side, as opposed to the White and Green sides.

The Reds were the Bolshevik and other socialist political party forces aligned with them, and not all of the socialists. The Whites were mostly imperialists who wanted the Bolsheviks thrown out. Some Whites wanted the Tsar restored to the throne, but some Whites just wanted a new government that was bot ruled by the Bolsheviks. The Greens were anarchists who wanted no government but just to be left alone to live their own lives. They knew that no matter what type of government came in, they would still be oppressed. And they were.

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Q: Which side won the Russian Civil War after the Bolsheviks took power in Russia.?
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How were the Bolsheviks able to seize power from the proviaional government?

The Bolsheviks did not seize power during the Russian Civil War. They had already seized governmental power from the Provisional Government in 1917. The civil war is generally figured to have started in 1918. The Bolsheviks managed to retain their power, not seize it, by winning the civil war.

How did World War I help the Bolsheviks seize power in Russia in 1917?

how did world war 1 help the Bolsheviks seize power in russia in 1917 Russia did not do well in World War 1. Losses were so high that Russia withdrew from the war in 1917, increasing the Russian people's dissatisfaction with Czarist rule.

What year did Vladimir Lenin lead the Russian Revolution?

It was 1917 when Lenin and the Bolsheviks in a nearly bloodless coup took over the Provisional Government that had been in place since the February 1917 revolution. The Provisional Government was dissolved and Lenin assumed power in Russia. It wasn't until 1920 that his hold on Russia was solidified, because the Russian Civil War soon broke out and lasted until 1920.

What did Bolsheviks want?

The Bolsheviks, who were students of Marx, believed that the Russian power structure should be overthrown and power should be given to the architects of the revolution (i.e. themselves). The other half of the revolutionary faction, the Mensheviks favored interaction from the workers and farmers. After Russia's humiliation in World War I, food and work shortages, and the promise of the redistribution of land, the Bolsheviks were able to gain the support of the people.

How did civil war between the Red and White armies help the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control in Russia?

The Civil War was fought between the communist Red Army and the tsarist White Army. The Bolsheviks were already in power when the war began. The defeat of the tsarists secured the Bolshevik's reign because it put down the other main political view in Russia.

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How were the Bolsheviks able to seize power from the proviaional government?

The Bolsheviks did not seize power during the Russian Civil War. They had already seized governmental power from the Provisional Government in 1917. The civil war is generally figured to have started in 1918. The Bolsheviks managed to retain their power, not seize it, by winning the civil war.

What is the communist group which executed the last tsar of Russia and came to power after civil war?


When did Russia become a capitalist nation?

in 1917 Russia became communist. This event is known as the October revolution which was lead by the Bolsheviks and gave power to the Soviets. This was followed by the Russian civil war and the creation of the Soviet Union.

How did World War I help the Bolsheviks seize power in Russia in 1917?

how did world war 1 help the Bolsheviks seize power in russia in 1917 Russia did not do well in World War 1. Losses were so high that Russia withdrew from the war in 1917, increasing the Russian people's dissatisfaction with Czarist rule.

Why was the Russian civil war important?

Because it secured Bolshevik power in Russia

Why Bolsheviks gained mass support in 1917?

In (and even before) 1917 in Imperial Russia, the Bolsheviks gained mass-support for numerous reasons. Most of the reasons, however, centered on the corruption, inefficiency, and failures of the Russian royal dynasty and its administration as the governing power in Russian.

What was Lenin's army?

The Red Army was Lenin's army in the Russian Civil War that broke out after the October Revolution of 1917. The Red Army fought the White Army, eventually routing the White Army forces and establishing Lenin and the Bolsheviks as the power in Russia from then on.

Did the Bolsheviks gain power?

The Bolsheviks came to power during the Russian Revolution of 1917's October Revolution phase and founded the Soviet Union.

During the Russian Revolution the Bolsheviks took control of the Russian government. What was one of the results of the Bolsheviks' rise to power?

Companies and individuals could no longer own property.

Who ran the Russian government after czar Nicholas II?

After Nicholas II was arrested, the politicians in the Duma decided to give a lead to Russia. They set up the 'Provisional Government' until elections could be held later in 1917 for the 'Constituent Assembly.' The Constituent Assembly was intended to write a new constitution to govern Russia under a democratically elected government. The Provisional Government was not very effective and did not satisfy the revolutionary demands of the soldiers, workers and peasants. When the Provisional Government lost the support of the people, Lenin and his Bolsheviks took power from the Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks survived the Russian Civil War and retained power from then on.

How did two revolutions and civil war bring communist control of Russia?

The October and February Revolutions brought the end of the tzarist regime and brought the Bolsheviks into power. The civil war ended all communist opposition in Russia, leading to communist takeover.

Why was there a civil war in Russia after 1917 and who was involved?

After the Russian Revolution ousted the Czar, the various factions began to fight among each other. The Bolsheviks (Communists), also known as the Reds, made a play for power opposed by the Whites, Mensheviks (royalists, democrats, republicans, and reactionaries).