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Mikhail Gorbachev. (Actually they had never achievedCommunism.)

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Mikhail Gorbachev

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Q: Which leader is MOST closely associated with the end of communism within the Soviet Union?
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Which Soviet leader 1st implement communism?

The first communist leader of the Soviet Unionwas Vladimir Lenin.

What soviet leaders was associated with perestroika?

The Soviet leader most associated with perestroika is Mikhail Gorbachev.

Who was the leader that communism and central planning to the former Soviet union?

Vladimir Lenin

What method did the US use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking Russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

What methods did the US use in it global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking Russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

What methods did the US use in its global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

Witch Soviet leader was most responsible for the fall of Communism?

Mikhail Gorbachev was a key player in the eventual deconstruction of communism.

Who were the two Russian leaders who launched and solidified the rule of communism in Russia?

Vladimir Lenin certainly launched communism in Russia and Joseph Stalin was the major leader who did the most to solidify communism in the Soviet Union.

Who were the two Russian leaders launch and solidified the rule of communism in Russia?

Vladimir Lenin certainly launched communism in Russia and Joseph Stalin was the major leader who did the most to solidify communism in the Soviet Union.

What methods did the US use in it's global struggle against the Soviet Union?

the us government was hostlie to the soviet leader for taking Russia out of ww1 and was opposed to communism

Who was the leader that introduced communism and central planning to the former Soviet Union?

Vladimir Lenin

Who was the leader that introduced communism in central planning to the former Soviet Union?

Communism as a political or economic philosophy was invented by Karl Marx, but he was not a political leader. The first political leader to create a communist state was Vladimir Ilych Lenin. His version of communism became known as Marxist-Leninism.