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This is an interesting question since it combines aspects of philosophy (what is "best"?), the definition of 'invention', history, and opinion. Due to these and other factors (such as how specific to be), there can be no one "correct" answer, but here are some obvious possibilities (some general, some specific):


  • Language and Writing, without which the rest would not be possible.
  • Religion and Morality (the original basis of civilized society).
  • Fire (not invented per se, but controlled and used).
  • Weapons (for better or worse) (including Gunpowder and Rockets)
  • Agriculture and the Domestication of Animals.
  • The Wheel and the Basic Machines (levers, ramps, etc.).
  • Math (extremely useful, and the basis of all science. May also be considered to be the partner of logic, the root of rational thought and the scientific method.).
  • Music, Art, and Poetry (among the earliest methods of handing down knowledge).
  • The Lens (incredibly important, led to both a complete change in our view of the larger universe and the entire discovery of the microscopic world, affected religion, science, medicine, physics, and many other fields in a profound way). [see discussion]

Modern (Since the Renaissance)

  • Science and the Scientific Method (the philosophical revolution at the root of today's technological society, which, while frought with problems of its own, is critically necessary if we are to support anything like the world's current population.)
  • Modern Democracy and Political Systems based on the "Social Contract".
  • Marxism and Socialism
  • The Whole Panoply of Scientific Inventions and Scientific Theories of Modern Times (possibly the only area envisioned by the original questioner)

- The Steam Engine - Mechanized Farm Machinery - Newtonian Physics including Calculus and the Theory of Gravity - The Printing Press - The Theory of Evolution - The Telephone and Telegraph - Electromagnetic Theory - Electricity and Electric Lighting - The Automobile - The Theory of Relativity - Quantum Theory - Radio - Nuclear Power and its Dark Handmaiden, Nuclear Weapons - The Airplane - Modern Medicine - Television - Computers - The Discovery of DNA and Modern Genetic Theory - The Birth Control Pill - The Laser - Communications Satellites and Fiber Optics - The internet

And my personal favorite, the Chocolate Chip Cookie!

There are many lists of inventions on the Internet, but they are much longer than this. I have tried to reduce them down to those most likely to be 'best' or 'most important'. Use the discussion page to say what you think is best or suggest additions or deletions to the list above.

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13y ago
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9y ago

The best invention in the world is fire. Since man discovered fire, many other inventions became much easier. Without fire, it would be harder to carry out other tasks like factory processes, cooking, purification of water and mineral processing.

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9y ago

The best invention ever is electricity. Many other inventions became possible just because there was electricity. Many industrial and household inventions run on electricity.

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