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Stalin did more for the USSR.

He repelled German invasion and ultimately defeated them.

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Q: Which four leaders Kerensky Lenin Trotsky or Stalin did more for Russia?
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Why was Trotsky exiled from Russia?

Leon Trotsky posed a threat to Joseph Stalin's hold on the power in Russia after Lenin's death. Many Bolshevik leaders supported Trotsky's philosophy of "permanent revolution" while others supported Stalin's policy of "socialism in one country." Stalin allied himself with Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev against Trotsky and eventually had enough people loyal to him to expel Trotsky from the Communist Party. Trotsky continued to criticize Stalin and tried to line up support against Stalin. Stalin knew the only way to completely eliminate Trotsky as a rival would be to get him out of the country entirely, so Trotsky was exiled to Turkey.Trotsky was exiled because of his opposition to Stalin.The excuse Stalin gave for the exile of Trotsky was that he did not go to Lenins funeral-but Stalin idid not invite him to the funeral.

Who was Stalin's rival for control of russia in the late 1920s?

Leon Trotsky.

Why was trotsky not the leader of russia?

Leon Trotsky was not the leader of the USSR because he was exiled from the country (but first the Communist Party) by Joseph Stalin. Stalin used a divide and conquer strategy, allying himself with other political figures to outnumber Trotsky.

Leon Trotsky wanted to improve life in Russia he used his pen to oppose what leader?

Leon Trotsky used his pen to oppose Stalin.

Did Stalin use dictatorial methods in Russia?

Yes, he most certainly did use dictatorial methods in Russia.

Who are 5 key players in the Russian revolution in 1917?

1. Czar Nicholas II 2. Vladimir Lenin 3. Joseph Stalin 4. Leon Trotsky 5. Kerensky

Who were the main characters in the Russian revolution?

The main leaders on the side of the Imperial and Provisional governments were Nicholas II, Alexander Kerensky, and Georgy Lvov. The main leaders and commanders on the side of the Bolsheviks, the Petrograd Soviets, and the Leftist Socialists were Vladimir Lenin, Lev Kamenev, and Leon Trosky.

How did Animal Farm represent the soviet union?

The characters in events represented real people and events in Russia. Examples:Napoleon was Joseph Stalin,Snowball was Leon Trotsky, Stalin chased Trotsky out of Russia with the KGB (his secret police) Napoleon chased Snowball of animal farm with the dogs he trained.

Was Stalin after Trotsky?

Yes, Stalin had Trotsky killed eventually. However, before that he had Trotsky kicked out of USSR politics and then the USSR itself.

Russia's leaders during the cold war?

Joseph Stalin

Why did trotsky leave Russia?

Leon Trotsky was part of the Bolshevic party during the early years of the USSR. After Lenin (the previous leader of the USSR) died in the 1920's, Trotsky and Joseph Stalin both fought for the power of ruling the USSR. Stalin won, and then exiled Trotsky, afraid that he might organize a military coup to overthrow Stalin.

Where Stalin and trosky friends?

No in fact they were enemies, that's why trotsky was killed by the CIA. Stalin was jealous of trotsky.