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Q: Which country never missed world cup?
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Which team has never missed a world cup?


Which team never missed the world cup?


Did Brazil missed any World Cup?

Brazil is the only country to have qualified for every FIFA World Cup hosted.

Is there any country won world cup from Asia?

Asian Country has never won the fifa world cup.

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How many times have Slovenia won the fifa world cup?

Croatia have yet to win the world cup. After all it is a new country a break away of Yugoslavia.

Why aren't all of the countries in the World Cup?

no not all country's have been in the FIFA world cup for example Canada has never made to the world cup

Which country has entered every World Cup qualifying round but has never played at a World Cup tournament?

If you count Papa New Guinea as a country then its them.

Is there any country that never had played in fifa world cup?


Which country has never held the world cup?

Too many to name.

How many times did sllokvaia enter the world cup?

As Sllokvaia is not a recognised country they have never entered the world cup championship.

Was Ghana famous for being the first country to ever win the world cup?

Ghana has never won a world cup.