

Best Answer

Brazil - 5 (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002)

Italy - 4 (1934, 1938, 1982, 2006)

(West) Germany - 3 (1954, 1974, 1990)

Uruguay - 2 (1930, 1950)

Argentina - 2 (1978, 1986)

England - 1 (1966)

France - 1 (1998)

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There were 7 countries who won the world cup. All were hosts.

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Brazil have won the most world cups, they have won 5 in all.

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Brazil won it 5

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Q: Which country has won the most World Cups and how many times?
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Continue Learning about General History

How many soccer teams have won more than three fifa world cups?

The 2010 FIFA World Cup is the 19th cup held since 1930.

Out of 18 world cups since 1930 how many have been won by the host country?


How many times have Switzerland reached the quarterfinals at a FIFA World Cup?

3 times. Switzerland reached the quarterfinals in 1934, 1938 and 1954 FIFA World Cups.

How many times has US cualified for the world cup?

The U.S.A. have qualified for 5 world cups, counting 2010 world cup.

How many cups have Jamaica won?

Jamaica has won none because their country are not in the FIFA world cup!

Related questions

Which country have won the world cups the most times and how many?

Brazil (5 world cups)

How many times has Brazil been to a FIFA world cup?

Brazil is the only country to have participated in all world cups. (19 times)

How many countries has participated in all world cups?

The only country that has participated in ALL of the world cups is Brazil.

How many times has Ronaldinho been in the world cup?

Ronildhino has played in two world cups, 2002, and 2006 world cups.

How many world cups has Chile been in?

8 times!

What does the star above the crest on soccer jerseys represent?

On international teams the star represents the number of world cups the country has won.

How many times has john terry played in the world cup?

He has mad less appearances for England at World Cups than Wayne Rooney who has 9 appearances for queen and country at the world Cup stage.

How many times has Podolski played in the world cup?

2006 and 2010 FIFA World Cups

In how many World Cups has Portugal played?

I think they have been 4 times to the world cup.

How many times has England beat Argentina in the history of world cups?


How many world cups have Portugal been in?

I think it is four or five times.

How many world cups has real Madrid been in?

Real Madrid are a club not a country.