Yankees, Astros, Expos, Rays
In 1901 8 teams of the American League, joined the National League to form Major League Baseball. The Yankees franchise was part of the origianl 8 teams of the American League but at the time they were the Baltimore Orioles. In 1903 the team was moved to New York, and named the Highlanders. The New York Highlanders changed the name to Yankees in 1913.
1961. The American League expanded from 8 to 10 teams with the Los Angeles Angels and Washington Senators as the new teams (the old Washington Senators moved to Minnesota and became the Twins in 1961).
The information about the Yankees franchise came from the Baseball Hall of Fame, and the Yankees' website. The Baltimore Orioles weren't performing, so they sold the franchise to someone who moved them to New York and renamed them the Highlanders. The name then later changed to the Yankees.
Japanese teams
Two teams have switched leagues. The Milwaukee Brewers changed from the AL to the NL in 1998 and the Houston Astros moved to the AL in 2013.
The Giants and Dodgers baseball teams and the Jets and Giants football teams
Yankees, Astros, Expos, Rays
Currently there is only one team in the MLB, the Toronto Blue Jays, that is outside the US. Previously there were two in Canada, but that changed when the Montreal Expos moved to Washington, D.C. and became the Nationals in 2004.
Since the 2013 season, when the Houston Astros moved from the National League to the American league, there have been 15 teams in each circuit.
In 1901 8 teams of the American League, joined the National League to form Major League Baseball. The Yankees franchise was part of the origianl 8 teams of the American League but at the time they were the Baltimore Orioles. In 1903 the team was moved to New York, and named the Highlanders. The New York Highlanders changed the name to Yankees in 1913.
David Beckham changed teams 3 times
There is more football teams than baseball teams, football has 32 and baseball has 30
There are no minor league baseball teams in Hawaii. At what time the Pittsburgh Pirates had a minor league team called the Hawaii Islanders here but they moved many years ago. However Hawaii does have a proffesional baseball team in Hawaii (on Maui) they are members of the Golden baseball league which has 6 teams.
The Boston Red Stockings were a charter member of the National League when it was founded in 1871. They were a dominate team in the early years of the league. By 1912, the teams name was changed to the Braves. After 82 years in Boston, the Braves moved to Milaukee in 1953. Citing declining fan support, the Braves moved to Atlanta in 1965 and remain there today.
black and pink. but the baseball teams uniforms faded to a navy blue.
The only team that is NOT in the United States that is the Toronto Blue Jays. There were 2 teams until 2005 when the Montreal Expos left and moved to Washington and became the Nationals.