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Wrigley Field is informally known as the Friendly Confines.

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Q: Which ballpark is know as Friendly Confine?
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What national league ballpark is known as the friendly confines?

lil boosie and lil Wayne

What ballpark is known as friendly confines?

Former first baseman Ernie Banks popularized the phrase "The Friendly Confines" to describe Wrigley Field in Chicago Illinois where the Chicago Cubs play baseball.

What is an adverb form of confine?

The verb to confine has no adverb form. The noun forms of the verb to confine are confiner, confinement, and the gerund, confining. The adjective forms of the verb to confine are confining and confined.

What is a sentence using confine?

Please confine your giggles.

How do you use the word confine and a sentence?

You can use the word "confine" in a sentence like this: "The zookeeper had to confine the lion to its enclosure to ensure visitor safety."

What is a sentence using the word confine?

"Confine the prisoner", said the judge.

Is Seattles ballpark a hitters or pitchers ballpark?

It is a pitcher's ballpark. It has tough dimensions for a hitter. Here is an article describing a hitter's ballpark vs. a pitcher's ballpark.

What is a good sentence for confine?

The veterinarian will confine the dog until she determines if it has rabies or not.

What is the base word for confining?

The base word for "confining" is "confine."

What is the noun of confine?

The word 'confine' is a noun form, a word for a limit, a boundary; often used in the plural, confines. Example: The confine of your question limits the answer to noun forms. The noun forms for the verb to confine are confinement and the gerund, confining.

How do you use confine in a sentence?

Confine yourself to the amount of junk food you eat a day.

What are the ratings and certificates for Confine - 2013?

Confine - 2013 is rated/received certificates of: UK:15