From 1993-1995, outside linebackers Greg Lloyd and Kevin Greene were known as "Quiver & Quake".
I am pretty sure more people died in the earthquake in China. We studied them both at school.
because of the tsunami and earth quake
they thought it was an earth quake
they named this natural disaster earthquakes because earth is the land and quake means vibration on earth together it means a vibration on the earth surface
people died
quake, quiver
flutter, have the shakes, jar, jitter, oscillate,palpitate, quake, quaver, quiver, rock, shiver,shudder, teeter, throb, totter, tremor, wobble =^.^=
Some collective nouns that start with Q are:a quake of cowardsa quantity of smeltsa quarrel of sparrowsa quire of newspapersa quiver of arrowsa quiver of cobras
I'll give you one each for both common definitions: 1. The Sheriff of Nottingham started to quiver as he saw Robin Hood take aim at his head with an arrow. 2. Seeing that the Sheriff was frightened, Robin slowly slid his arrow back into his quiver.
Verbs starting with Q include: quit, quench, query, quable, quarrel, quibble, question, qualify, quantify, quip, quicken, quote, quell, quarantine, quilt, quiver, quake
After the quake was created in 2000-02.
After the quake has 201 pages.
i earth quake
Quake Live happened in 2010.
Quake Inc. was created in 2001.
Quake II happened in 1997.
Alaska Quake was created in 2011.