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New England Patriots

Also, Carolina (not specific to North or South), Tampa Bay (Tampa is a city not Tampa Bay)

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Q: Which NFL team name is NOT a city nor a state?
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What is the name of Virgina's NFL team?

The great state of Virginia does not have an NFL team.

What is the name of the NFL team in Utah?

Unlikely. The market the NFL wants for a team is Los Angeles.

What city doesn't have an NFL team?

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the name of the Mississippi NFL football team is Ole Miss

Who is the Washington state NFL team?

Currently, there is no professional basketball team in the state of Washington as of the 2008-2009 season. The Seattle Supersonics, the team that previously played in Washington for many years, relocated to Oklahoma City and was renamed the Oklahoma City Thunder.

Where can you find the city and state list of where the NFL teams are from?

or ask for each team individuallly

A city that does NOT have a NFL team?

Las Vegas

What NFL team name was retired by the NFL?

Houston oilers

What is the name of Baltimores nhl team?

Baltimore's NFL football team's name is The Ravens, AKA, The Baltimore, Ravens. History: The name used to be the Baltimore Colts but that team got tired of being there so they went to another state which is Indiana. The city is Indianapolis. Then later on a team from another states came to Baltimore, Maryland to play football for our state and city but, the people of Baltimore didn't like the name they had which was the Browns, so the people of Baltimore was able to get it changed to what they want the name to be by having a vote. The name soon became the Baltimore, Ravens, and we love that name and it won't change for a while.

What city are the NFL team called the Seahawks from?


What is the biggest city to have an NFL team?

Probably NY.

What city are the NFL team called the Dolphins from?
