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In Paris, France. It lasted from May til October and it was why the Eiffel Tower was built!

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Q: Where was the World's Fair held in 1889?
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What year was the Eiffel Tower as an entrance arch for the worlds fair?


Where was the world's fair held in 1880?

Chicago hosted worlds fair in 1892.

For what occasion was the Eiffel tower built?

as an entrance arch for the Worlds Fair in 1889

Where was the 1904 worlds fair held?

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When and where was the first World's Fair?

The first world fair was held in Paris, France in 1889. It was for this event that the Eiffel Tower was constructed.

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What year was the Knoxville TN Worlds Fair?

The World's Fair was held in Knoxville, Tennessee In 1982.

Why they built Eiffel Tower?

It was built as an archway entrance to the 1889 World Fair that was held in Paris xo

Why is the Eiffel tower a frame structure?

As the centrepiece and entrance arch of the Great exhibition held in Paris in 1889 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the French revolution.

What dose the Eiffel tower symbolize?

It was built as a monumental entrance to the world fair held in Paris in 1889, It now symbolises Paris.

What is the purpose of the Eiffel Tower being built?

The Eiffel Tower was built because Gustave Eiffel, the architect, wanted to enter a world-wide architectural contest. It was meant to be taken down 20 years later, but it served useful for communication, so they kept it.

When does the worlds fair come?

The World's Fair Expo comes every year in a different major city of the world. The fair usually begins in the late summer months but has also been held in the fall.