Willie Mays is a Christian.
Willie Mays and Willie McCovey played for many years together.. from 1959 until 1972 when Mays was traded to the New York Mets.
No. Willie Mays played his entire career as a right handed hitter.
Willie Mays is Barry Bonds godfather but is not a blood relation
Willie Mays had a career batting average of .302, 3,283 hits in 10,881 at bats.
Willie Mays was born on May 6, 1931.
If Willie Mays was never born he would not have hit 660 home runs.
Willie Mays was born on May 6 , 1931 . He was born in Westfield,AL
Willie Mays was born on May 6, 1931.
Willie Mays
Willie Mays is a Christian.
can I get willie mays to sign his jersey
he lives in Atherton, California, which is most likely very near San Fransico
Willie Mays is 86 years old (birthdate: May 6, 1931).
born May 6, 1931
yes Bobby Bonds and Willie Mays wee teammates and close friends when they played together on the San Francisco Giants. Willie was named as godfather when Barry was born.
There are no records of Willie Mays pitching at the Major League level.