First of all, you have to type in vcteam in the codes place in the extras part of the home menu. Then you have to go to any place with teams such as quick game and you just have to look through all the teams and it should be the first or last team.
You cant sorry
your suppost to sign them first
West Virginia has no NHL team...
All of the teams in the NHL have American players.
He is real
There is Major League Baseball 2K10, NBA 2K10, and NHL 2h10 for the PS3. Do you want the Hockey, Baseball, or Basketball Team. see related links
Trade in NHL 2K10 for whatever value you can get for it and put that against NHL 10. 2K10 is garbage.
I've only played 2k10 but from what I've heard nhl10 is much better
No it is not
There are a few. I have only found one though. Try "vcteam", it creates a team.
You can't.
September 13 or 14