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Where you go when you run away from home, would depend on your age. If you are a minor, under 18, you can get some help from child protective services. You may want to confide in a trusted family member or teacher first, to see if they can help you solve the problem you want to run away from. You may want to discuss this with your parents, as most children think about running away from home, at least once in their childhood. The problem is, when you run away, the problem is still there - that is why it is important to confide in someone who may be able to help you. If you are an adult, the same thing applies. You need someone to help you. There are a lot of understanding people in the world who would be willing to reach out and lend a hand, but no once can help you if you don't ask for help.

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Q: Where do you go if you run away from home?
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Hey i wanna run away just like you really badly go on wikihow search how to run away it helps

Where do you go when you run away from home?

Back home...your screwed if you leave your home, just be patient until you are 18

Where do you go when you run away?

Depends on where you are running away.Running away from home? DONT! Runnning for fun? somewhere where you gotta go,Running from a bad person? Run to the nearest police station.

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Uh... Did you just run away? If so, go home. If not, I'd say 15 to 24.

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go to your best friends house but keep it a secert

Where did Gary Paulsen go after he ran away from home?

Truth or rommer when he ran away ?and how was he ablie to find a carnavil to run away to ? Was he fustrated when he left ? And the main qestion is where did he go after he ran away?

When is a good time to run away from home?

If you wish to leave home, you should have an idea of where you are going. If the plan is to become a street person, it is probably a bad idea. If your life is in danger at home, you can go to the police. Otherwise, the best time to run away from home is when you have somewhere to live, other than the home that you are running away from.

How do you run away from home and not being seen?

Run away in the middle of the night.

What is the best time to run away from home without being seen or heard?

It is best to not run away from home at all.