

Where do reeds live at?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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15y ago

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Reeds grow in river

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Q: Where do reeds live at?
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Continue Learning about General History

What weeds were used to build boats in ancient mespotamia?

Reeds were grown to build boats in Mesopotamia

What reeds are used for sailboats?

The Uros, predecessors of the Inca, used tortora reeds to manufacture floating islands on Lake Titicaca. The ancient Phoenicians used papyrus reeds.

What material is made from reeds?


What are uru homes?

The Uru people of Peru live in reed boats and houses in clusters to stand near a floating raft also made of reeds on Lake Titicaca in Peru.

A long lasting paperlike material made from reeds and used by scribes to keep records on in ancient Egypt.?

The 'paper' was made from papyrus reeds.

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Where does reeds live?


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Frogs live in the weeds and reeds at the edge of ponds.

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What type of houses do cahuilla Indians live in?

they lived in a house made out of reeds called a kish

How do you put reeds in a sentence?

I left my spare reeds at home. These reeds are used for musical instruments by the natives.

What is postal code for The Reeds Centurion SA?

the reeds

How did they get the reeds inside of the flute?

There are no reeds inside a flute.

What is Group of reeds called?

what is a group of reeds called

How many reeds does a bassoon have.?

it only has one reed but the have double-reeds

Where can clarinet reeds be bought?

One place you can get clarinet reeds is The Music Stop. They sell Rico and Vandoren reeds.

What too kinds of reeds are there?

I suspect you are referring to single reeds (clarinet and sax) and double reeds (oboe and bassoon).

What is a group of reeds called?

what is a group of reeds called