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concentration camps

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Q: Where did Annd Frank go to when she was arrested?
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Where did anne frank go right after she was arrested?

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Where did Anne Frank go when she got arrested?

She was sent to a transit concentration camp, before going to Auschwitz.

When did margot Frank get arrested?

August 4, 1944

What age did Anne Frank get arrested?

She was 15 years old.

When was Anne Frank arrested by the Nazis?

4 August 1944

Where were the frank family taken to when they were arrested?

The Frank family was taken to concentration camps when they were arrested. Anne Frank was sent to Bergen-Belsen in Germany, where she died of typhus, while her father Otto Frank survived Auschwitz concentration camp.

Did anne frank go out the anex?

Yes, her whole family was arrested and sent to a concentration camp called Bergen-Belsen where she later died of Typhus.

What did the frank family do when Margot receives a call up to go to a work camp in Germany?

the family had to register her so the family would get arrested.

What day was Anne Frank arrested by the Nazis?

4 August 1944.

What happened on 4 August?

Anne Frank and her family gets arrested

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