The Benjamin model 347 was made between 1969-92. it's a single shot pump rifle. In order to give an estimate of value please state the condition of the rifle. Is it still working? Is it in excellent, very good, good, fair or poor condition?
Answers doesn't have a way of displaying photos in this forum. However you can find one on the web (see the link below).
Blue Book of Gun Values
The bolt may be hard to find however it appears to be common with the model 53 Stevens 'Buckhorn' rifle. The magazines are easier to find, in fact I was at Gander Mountain today and saw a 10 round magazine made by Savage that looked like it would fit. From memory I think it was $10-12. Also check out for the magazine and any other parts you need. Oh I was at Gander Mountain because I just gave the barrel, reciever, bolt and other small parts of my Buckhorn model 56 in for refinishing. Good luck. Many thanks for your reply to my question. This rifle was manufactured at the Chicopee Falls Mass plant. My location is Wellington New Zealand if anyone can help me out. Regards, Brian Hogan
See the web links to the left for information.
You can try Numrich gun parts, ( ) has a store brand chart. Once you find out who made it and what it is (rifle or shotgun) a value can be estimated.
Your sears ted williams model 100 is actually a winchester model 1894 rifle that was made by winchester for sears.You can find a firing pin at numrich gun parts corp.They can be found on the web.
We MAY be able to find answer for you, if you can find the MAKE of the rifle for us.
Numrich Gun Parts Co.
My understanding is the model 938 was a toy rifle not a bb rifle, but I did find out it was made in 1988
That will depend on the make of the rifle and the age of your pump rifle.
GOOGLE rifle shops state by state then e mail or snail mail them with your question. One of them will either have one, or know where you could find one.
Model 94 winchester 30 30
Which model??
1994. You will have to call Browning to find out the model