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I own a Model 53 30-06 what do you want to know about it?

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Q: Where can you find a 30-06 Ted Williams Model 53 rifle?
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Where can you find bolts for a jc Higgins model 51 3006?

You can try Numrich gun parts, ( )

Ted Williams model 282.510840 price of this gun? has a store brand chart. Once you find out who made it and what it is (rifle or shotgun) a value can be estimated.

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Your sears ted williams model 100 is actually a winchester model 1894 rifle that was made by winchester for sears.You can find a firing pin at numrich gun parts corp.They can be found on the web.

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We MAY be able to find answer for you, if you can find the MAKE of the rifle for us.

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Numrich Gun Parts Co.

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My understanding is the model 938 was a toy rifle not a bb rifle, but I did find out it was made in 1988

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That will depend on the make of the rifle and the age of your pump rifle.

Where can you find an owner's manual for a Ted Williams model 3T rifle sold by sears with the numbers 273 528111 on the barrel?

GOOGLE rifle shops state by state then e mail or snail mail them with your question. One of them will either have one, or know where you could find one.

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1994. You will have to call Browning to find out the model