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The game of Basketball was invented in 1891 in Springield, Masschusetts by James Naismith, a physical education instructor from Canada. Naismith was a physical education instructor at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA: the home of the Basketball Hall of Fame. Springfield College was then known as the YMCA training school. It all started with peach baskets and soccer balls and a new game was born. It was a way to bring indoor enjoyment and exercise to young men during the long New England winters.

The Basketball Hall of Fame has become a favorite destination both for lovers of Basketball and inductees, as well as local basketball lovers for whom the Hall of Fame is a much appreciated community partner. The Class of 2010 was an especially exciting time of celebration. The week-long program of enshrinement events involved the City and its mayor and the greatest number of Hall of Fame alumni ever gathered in one place. One special event featured the unveiling of a monument in Mason Square at the corner of State Street and Wilbraham Road that officially marks the spot where the first game was played. Local school-boy basketball stars from as early as the fifties were present for the unveiling.

The festivities also offered games featuring police, fire and other first responders from Massachusetts and wheelchair basketball games by the US women's and men's Paralympics teams. You can see the 2010 list of inductees and other interesting information at the links provided below.

The first typed copy of the original rules of basketball was sold at auction on December 10, 2010 for $3.8 million. No such document exists for any other sport. It had been in the Naismith family since 1891. Sotheby's handled the auction in Manhattan. The proceeds will fund the Naismith International Basketball Foundation that works with children in the United States and the Caribbean islands.

The winning bidders plan to donate the rules to the University of Kansas where James Naismith worked from 1898 to his retirement in 1937 at age 76.

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James Naismith in Springfield, Massachusetts

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basketball was invented in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA,

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When was the first basketball game?

1890s - invented by James nesmith

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James Naismith invented the game by nailing a couple of peach baskets on two ends of a court.

Which sport was invented by Dr James Naismith?

Basketball, Basketball is built into the fabric of Springfield College. The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today.