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First they will have to be able to live on the moon. It is unlikely the sport will take off on the moon due to the lack of gravity. An astronaut once hit two Golf shots on the moon, he was too tied up in his protective gear so he hit a one handed six iron, the first shot was a shank, the second went over 300 yards before he lost sight of it.

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Q: When will they play golf on the moon?
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Did Armstrong play golf on the moon?

No, Neil Armstrong did not play golf on the moon. The only sports-related activity he did on the moon was the moonwalk to collect samples and conduct experiments as part of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969.

Why did Alan Shepard play golf on the moon?

Alan Shepard played golf on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 as a lighthearted and symbolic gesture to showcase the reduced gravity on the lunar surface. It was a unique way for him to celebrate the success of the mission and to add a personal touch to the historic event.

What did you do on the moon?

I do not have the ability to physically travel to the moon or any other location outside of digital environments.

What did Neil Armstrong do when he traveled to the moon?

played golf. planted a flag. and drove around in a moon buggy. you cant play golf on the moon

Has man ever played golf on the moon?

Alan Shepard was the first person to play golf on the Moon. He was the fifth person overall to walk on the Moon.

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I think playing golf on the moon will give you muscles. I hope i can play golf on the moon one day-

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What was the sport played on the moon?


How would you play sports on the moon?

they probably didn't because of the low gravity, they might have played golf though

What was the first sport played in outer space?

The first sport played in outer space was golf. In 1971, Apollo 14 astronaut Alan Shepard hit a golf ball on the surface of the moon.

What is the only sport played on the moon?

Well, no actual sport has been played on the moon. Yet the astronomers have walked on the moon at zero gravity and that's just like High Jumps! So you can say that they have played a sport on moon.

Why do you play golf?

I play golf because it is fun.