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The 'Laws of the game' for Soccer or Association Football were written by in 1863 by a Solicitor from Hull, England called E.C. Morley. He wrote the rules for and behalf of newly formed Football Association or FA. The rules were based on the Cambridge University football rules first drafted in 1848. These new rules were the latest in a long line of attempts to standardise the many forms of football which had been played in and around Britain for hundreds of years. Ultimately the FA failed as the game of football had already spread thorough the English speaking world where emigrants were developing their own unique forms of the game. These games include American Football, Canadian Football and Australian Rules football to mention a few. All these games can trace their roots back to a ball game played in medieval Europe known to history as Shrovetide Football. Gaelic football, played in Ireland, can also trace its roots back to a form of this medieval ball game known as Caid.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It was not meant to be a game, some people believe if you could kick the ball over most of your crops then that year you wold have rich agriculture. I would say if was either the monks or the Chinese.

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were was soccer invented

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No Pele didn't invented soccer. China invented soccer in 1258. Though Pele invented some rules in soccer. Like, man of the match, possession and things like that. Thing Pele didn't invented soccer. It was CHina

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