While a woman has never played in an MLB regular season game, there was a woman who played in spring training and struck out Babe Ruth, and her name was Jackie Mitchell she also struck out Lou Gehrig, on 7 combined pitches. (Ruth on 4, Gehrig on 3). There was the All American Girls Professional Baseball League, and there was a movie made about this called, A League of Their Own. There is no rule stating that a women can't play in MLB.
No. Major League Baseball has always been a Male Only sport..just like the Ladies' Professional Golf Tour is strickly for women and the WNBA, etc.
whether women should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings
Women were not allowed to compete personally. Married women were not allowed to attend the games because of a penalty of death, although maidens were allowed to attend.
No. They were not allowed to be involved in combat, however they could load guns, be there when people were killed, but not be allowed to kill them. Even though they were allowed to be spies and be tortured, fly aeroplanes to the front lines and build ammunition and guns.
No women were allowed to "vote" in the Roman Empire
Women were allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia in the year 2018.
whether women should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings.
whether women should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings
whether women should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings.
whether women should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings.
whether women should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings.
woman got involved in voting because before that time only men were allowed to vote so the woman protested and eventually were allowed to vote in 1918.
She was important in it because she wanted women to be allowed to get involved in all kinds of wars.
Women have served in the military since 1885. At first they were only allowed to be nurses. During WW1, they filled many other roles, including drivers. Combat ranks opened to women in 1989 and warships allowed women aboard 1991. In 2006, Capt. Nichola Goddard was the first woman killed in active combat.
Women, especially rich ones, were allowed to express opinions and to participate in debates at the forum. There is a well known case of an aristocratic woman who won a court case which involved defending her family's property. As a well educated woman she won the case with persuasive arguments. However, women were not allowed to vote or to run for public office.
Whether woman should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings.
Whether woman should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings.
Whether woman should be allowed to join in the men's business meetings.