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Q: When was gymnastics invented for girls?
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Who invented girls gymnastics?

i don't know but ima level 5 gymnast and a girl!!

Who invented the gymnastics vault?

Frederick Jahn invented the gymnastics vault.

Was Gymnastics accidentally invented?

no. gymnastics is the sport of the gods. it was invented because its amazing.

What is aesthetic gymnastics?

There is no such thing all the different types of gymnastics are tnt gymnastics, guys artistic gymnastics, girls artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics

Where are gymnastics invented?

everything was invented in Greece

Who made gymnastics first?

The ancient Greeks invented gymnastics

Where was gymnastics inventied?

Gymnastics was invented by the ancient Greeks in Greece.

Who discover the gymnastics?

Friedrich Ludwig Jahn invented Gymnastics.

Who invented gymastics?

the Greeks invented gymnastics along time ago. i'm happy they invented gymnastics because it's really fun!

When does gymnastics invented and who invented?

The sport gymnastics was created in ancient times by the Greek to express gracefulness, flexibility, and beauty.

When was gymnastics first invented?


What country was gymnastics invented in?
