Officialy Australia still is the "Commonwealth of Australia". There has never been a time at which Australia's official name has stopped being the Commonwealth of Australia
The population in the north was evacuated and plans were made to defend Australia along the 'Brisbane Line'. This was a gross over-reaction as the Japanese had no intention of invading Australia - they simply didn't have the resources to do so - the best they could muster to try to capture Port Moresby was a weak division, while Australia had three armoured divisions and five infantry divisions in Australia at the time.
maybe not the best idea?
See the link below for a detailed timeline of gold discovery in Australia.
The Portuguese are credited with discovering the sea route to Australia, even though they did not recognise Australia as a separate continent at the time.
Probably would be in West Oz
winter time
The song is called Time is the Enemy by Quantic. its super sick.
The Marroochydore Surf Club started in 1916 in Queensland, Australia.
To study and to surf.
Then he'll just have to put on his surfy shorts, grab his surf board and surf to Australia to deliver the Christmas pressys It might be Summer in Australia at Christmas time, but that does not mean the weather is too hot. If Father Christmas/Santa can complete a circumnavigation of the entire world in one night, the portion of his time spent in Australia (where the population is smaller than that of the state of California) is going to be minimal. And he can most certainly handle the hot weather for the brief time he is in Australia.
my vote goes with Australia mate
A lot.
Australia is best team all the time
Jetty Surf Store has multiple locations throughout Australia. They are located in Adelaide, Melbourne, Elizabeth, West Lakes, Hobart, Rosny, and Oaklands Park, among others.
How about asking this again, but in English?